Saturday, March 27, 2010

Great deal on Toy Story!

Alrighty, I found this info on another site, but since I don't have time to retype the info in my own words and want you all to get this information before the sale is over, I'll site where I got it... here. Everything that was on here site is here on this site.

Read below for the info and follow the directions. The sale ends today, March 27th.

As you may know, Toy Story and Toy Story 2 will be released on Tuesday, March 23rd! To get ready for this upcoming release you’ll want to print a couple great coupons. Just head on over to Disney Movie Rewards and login or register for an account. After doing so, enter this code 786936294507 in the orange box that states “Enter Code” in the middle of the right side of the page. You will then be able to click on a link to print a coupon valid for $10 off Toy Story Blu-ray / DVD Combo pack. After printing that coupon (you should be able to print twice by hitting you browser back button), enter this code 786936294521 to print a coupon valid for $10 off Toy Story 2 Blu-ray / DVD Combo pack!

..AND get this, not ONLY can you use these sweet coupons to score an awesome deal…. BUT each Toy Story Blu-ray / DVD Combo pack will contain a movie ticket (valued up to $8.50) to see Toy Story 3 in June!

So where’s the best place to snatch this movie up when it’s released on Tuesday?! Well, it appears to be Toys R Us. They will be offering up the Toy Story and Toy Story 2 Blu-Ray/DVD combo packs for just $16.99 each when you buy both in the same transaction.

Toys R Us Deal Scenario:
Toy Story Blu-Ray/DVD combo pack $16.99
Toy Story 2 Blu-Ray/DVD combo pack $16.99
Total = $33.98
Use two $10/1 coupons from above
Pay $13.98
PLUS, then you’ll have 2 FREE Movie Tickets (valued at up to $8.50 each)!!

Know that Walmart, Best Buy, and Target all price match if your Toys R Us is out of the movies, make a few calls before you leave to go buy them to find a store that still has them. I had to price match at Target.